Markus Aleksander Rรฅkil Johansen
Informatics student with a passion for design and user experience. I am currently working as a part-time fullstack software developer at Consigli, and always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow. In my spare time I enjoy fly-fishing, alpine skiing, playing guitar and working on personal dev projects.
๐งโ๐ป Projects
Here's a glimpse into my coding journey - public projects born from work, school, and personal curiosity. Each one a stepping stone towards becoming a better developer. Feel free to check them out!
- CV page ๐ - The webpage you are currently looking at! Built with Nuxt.js Supabase and ChimeraCSS!
- ChimeraCSS ๐ฆ - Classless, lightweight and themebased CSS framework for building responsive websites; such as this one!
- Dagens ord ๐ก - A Tribute to the Norwegian language and some of its funny words and terms.
- Sprik ๐ - Error Reporting Application developed during my internship at the Norwegian work and welfare administration.
- Pokepedia ๐ฎ - Pokedex implementation using PokeAPI.
- BeerBuddy ๐บ - A website where you can find, vote on, and review beers. The website displays craft beers from the US.
- DiscoGolf ๐ฅ - A companion application for discgolfing at the Trondheim local courses; Lade and Dragvoll.
- Blue-sector ๐ฅฝ - Contributed to an open-source VR career-guidance application as a part of my bachelor thesis.
๐ Education
This is my education โ a collection of degrees, certificates, and diplomas. Will be expanded with the feature to access documentation and new expansions in the future.
Realfagskompetanse [2018 - 2021]
St. Olav Videregรฅende Skole , Sarpsborg, NorwayBSc in Computer Science [2021 - 2024]
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
๐ง๐ปโ๐ผ Work Experience
During my professional journey, I have mostly worked part-time jobs as fullstack software developer and store clerk. I also worked full-time as a developer intern for two months. During each of my jobs, I have learned a lot and aquired new skills. I am always looking for new opportunities to grow and learn.
Fullstack Developer Intern, Consigli
[2023-10-01 - ]
Part time developer at Consigli AS. Worked as a fullstack platform developer, working with tools such as React, Tailwind, DjangoREST, Selenium, Playwright, Storybook, Redux, Sentry and PostgreSQL. The platform is a tool for interacting with our AI engine and analyzing data from the construction industry. I have contributed to building our core API, component library, admin panel, pipelines, main platform, react hook library and more. On behalf of Consigli I have performed webscraping of O&M manuals, mainly using Selenium.
Committee leader, Linjeforeningen Online - Profil- og Aviskomiteen
[2023-03-01 - 2024-03-01]
Worked as a comitee leader at the student organization for informatics students at NTNU; Online, in the Profile- and Newspaper comitee.
Committee member, Linjeforeningen Online - Profil- og Aviskomiteen
[2022-09-01 - ]
Worked as a comitee member at the student organization for informatics students at NTNU; Online, in the Profile- and Newspaper comitee. Learned about graphic design, journalism, media production and more.
Developer Summer Intern, The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
[2023-06-01 - 2024-08-20]
Worked as a developer at the Norwegian work and welfare administration for a summer. I worked at a team of three summer interns, working under the domain of sickness benefit. Our team was strongly connected to the other teams under the same domain, giving us the opportunity to learn from and work with experienced collegaues of different backgrounds (Computer science, Design, Law, Social Work). During this summer I was introduced to the Kotlin language and several kotlin frameworks, for building a Kotlin webserver (KTOR, KotlinX, Gradle, Exposed). We also worked with PostgreSQL, React, TailwindCSS and Aksel.
Store clerk, Tilbords City Lade
[2021-11-01 - 2022-05-01]
Worked as a store clerk at Tilbords, a store that sells kitchen interior and home decor. At Tilbords I worked alone most of my shifts, which was a larger responsibility than what i previously had in Meny. Depending on the time of my shifts I were responsible for opening and closing the store. At Tilbords i learnt about Sales and Customer Service
Store clerk, Meny Sarpsborg - department of fish, meat and cheese
[2020-11-01 - 2021-07-01]
Worked as a store clerk at Meny, a grocery store. This was my first job (apart from selling newspapers). I worked in the department of fish, meat and cheese - guiding the customer through our products ensuring customer satisfaction. I enjoyed my time at Meny a lot and I terminated my contract upon moving to Trondheim for studies.
๐ช Skills
While studying IT at the university, at work, and in my free time, I have acquired a variety of skills and competencies. Here are some of them:
- React
- Nuxt
- Supabase
- TailwindCSS
- Sass
- Kotlin
- Java
- Python
- Django
- Django REST
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- TypeScript
- Sentry
- Storybook
- Ethical Hacking
- Postman
- UX-Design
- Figma
- Selenium
- npm
- Gradle
- Git